Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ever had a slice of chocolate cake that made your toes cramp with delight? Me too! This particular cake was a mouth orgasm delux. Starting this year, I'm making it a Midsummer tradition to devour copious amounts of dark creamy goodness. Hell, I'd take another 4 hour train ride just to get one more bite. Perhaps someone has a simple yet scrumptious recipe to share?

I kept my promise - I brought my Pentax! There's something magical about film. It makes the world seem a tad more interesting. I have one more roll to shoot. Let's hope for great weather this week.

06.28 music

Summer music.

Monday, June 27, 2011


I've had a long weekend away. Far from city life and work. It was a beautiful trip with a lot of laughter, good food and an abundance of stunning nature. I thought I'd come back rested but the break made me realize just how tired I am. I could use another week to catch up on sleep and then muster up the energy to start running again. It's awfully hard yet worth the tears and frustration. More to come.

Happy belated Midsummer!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I try to imagine my life in a year from now. Five years. Sometimes ten. I don't need much to be happy. Once upon a time I needed everything within range just to feel safe. Now I want less and less of things and a heap more of meaningfulness. Quality. This is a lengthy operation, but it's speeding up.

I see myself having a small garden. I grow herbs, vegetables and have a beautiful succulent collection. I knit, crochet, sew and I do it well. I head into the city on Saturdays and bake fresh bread for brunch on Sundays. Art is an active part of my day. I run because it makes me feel good. Sometimes the dog runs with me. I watch more foreign cinema. I walk barefoot every chance I get. Spontaneous picnics, road-trips and concerts are always welcome. I read before bedtime and I sleep 7 hours straight. My photography has been featured. I stay in touch with my friends and dare to be open about my feelings. I love. I am loved.

06.21 music

When I'm low, I listen to Ólafur Arnalds. It helps.

Friday, June 17, 2011


"The Magic Place is music for a specific constellation of feelings. They are real, many people share them, and this album owns them completely. So while there are few identifiable words here and the titles don't really register, there's a hell of a lot being expressed. We may not need Barwick to go deep into darkness or to write words that mean something, because she has tapped a vein of expression that is rich and powerful and affecting and even useful. And for the time being, the vein seems to be hers alone, though we can visit any time we like."

- Mark Richardson, Pitchfork

I'm crushing hard on Julianna today. Her music evokes feeling similar to those I experienced when I watched LOTR for the first time and witnessed the glorious habitat of the elves in Lothlórien. Dorky? Still, it's otherworldly.

Licking wounds. I've become good at it. Short spurts of energy, then tranquility.

Open windows, more plants and bike rides. I was never a summer girl, but today I feel like one.


Adorable Jessi Arrington explains her views on fashion and second hand shopping. I fully share her opinions and secretly want to steal her Saturday outfit. This little clip put me in a wonderful mood and has me pumped for tomorrow's thrift excursion.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


When thrifting last Saturday, I came across a couple of beauties. This little crocheted dress had to come home with me, and now adorns my kitchen wall. Sitting on the bus I thought about how I enjoy giving gifts to others more than purchasing items for myself. It always brings me immense gratification. The idea behind an object, the details in the wrapping, and the satiation when you get it just right.

I'm offering a postcard sized print of anything posted from the 10th - 12th of June. Perhaps I can make someone smile with this little gesture. It reminds me of when I went on vacation to Malta a couple of years back and burned 10 mix CDs to apportion as I explored the island. I placed them in the oddest places, left notes inside the packages and hoped that it would inspire someone else to pay it forward.

Happy Tuesday!

06.14 music

I procrastinate with music.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Saturday, June 11, 2011

06.11 part II

Lunch was had outside. Delectable flavors! We're saving the strawberries for tonight.

06.11 part I

Today set me free. No musts, only smiles. I woke to sunshine, went thrifting early in the morning, then met up with lovely Jozefin whom I haven't seen for an achingly long time. We had a delicious lunch at Matilda's, then hurried to a gallery opening by the harbor. Met creative people, marinated by the water, listened to waves and seagulls, planned a dinner and the rest is up to chance.

Friday, June 10, 2011


I have this thing for chairs. I have a thing for a lot of things. But, oh man, chairs! The hunt continues...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

06.08 music

Like a moving photo. I wiggle my toes to the rhythm.

Monday, June 6, 2011


A day for picnics, watering plants, reading books, dipping toes in the ocean and listening to new music. A heatwave has entered Gothenburg, and people are walking lazily with smiles on their faces. I can't help but smile with them.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


I used to be a gamer girl. I know, I know, geek warning! I'd play games such as Final Fantasy because role playing meant hardcore strategies and impressive powers. Days and nights would disappear in the blink of an eye, and for the longest time I had a tremendous fascination with these fictional worlds. When I visited Storm King, it took my breath away. I wandered across fields, under statues, through the woods and found hidden paths and treasures everywhere I looked. The freedom was enormous. Being able to wander as I pleased for as long as I wished, Storm King became the ultimate RPG. I kept repeating that to R, though I don't think he quite understood what I meant. The excitement had me out of breath as I sprinted from one mystery to another, rambling feverishly about quests and such. I keep my inner child close to my heart, and this place is now her castle.