Friday, June 17, 2011


"The Magic Place is music for a specific constellation of feelings. They are real, many people share them, and this album owns them completely. So while there are few identifiable words here and the titles don't really register, there's a hell of a lot being expressed. We may not need Barwick to go deep into darkness or to write words that mean something, because she has tapped a vein of expression that is rich and powerful and affecting and even useful. And for the time being, the vein seems to be hers alone, though we can visit any time we like."

- Mark Richardson, Pitchfork

I'm crushing hard on Julianna today. Her music evokes feeling similar to those I experienced when I watched LOTR for the first time and witnessed the glorious habitat of the elves in Lothlórien. Dorky? Still, it's otherworldly.

Licking wounds. I've become good at it. Short spurts of energy, then tranquility.

Open windows, more plants and bike rides. I was never a summer girl, but today I feel like one.

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