Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Ever had a slice of chocolate cake that made your toes cramp with delight? Me too! This particular cake was a mouth orgasm delux. Starting this year, I'm making it a Midsummer tradition to devour copious amounts of dark creamy goodness. Hell, I'd take another 4 hour train ride just to get one more bite. Perhaps someone has a simple yet scrumptious recipe to share?

I kept my promise - I brought my Pentax! There's something magical about film. It makes the world seem a tad more interesting. I have one more roll to shoot. Let's hope for great weather this week.


[sen.siˈʝes] said...

wow. i am speechless. the last picture is so very very very beautiful!

Hi! I'm Irene. said...

You're so sweet! It makes me happy to make someone else happy, and in this case, with a picture. Thanks for the kind words.

Magda said...

Lovely pictures